Covid-19 Response

Social activist Sitaram Poswal urged people to participate in Vaccine Campaign to make Rajasthan Corona free

Mr. Poswal is using every means possible to educate and aware people of wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and following corona guidelines.

India is experiencing a record high of Coronavirus cases and fatalities per day. The medical infrastructure is nearly collapsed with the acute deficit of oxygen cylinders, hospital beds, ventilators, etc. Lifted by the plight of the Covid-19 pandemic, a young and versatile social activist Mr. Sitaram Poswal has donated a sum of INR 11 Lakhs amid the shortage of medical necessities and life-saving gas to the Rajasthan Government.

“The seriousness of the situation cannot be neglected and despite pandemics, I’ll try my best to provide resources as much as I can,” said Philanthropist Mr. Sitaram Poswal. 

To make Rajasthan pandemic free, Mr. Sitaram Poswal, Founder of PG foundation, is urging people to participate in the largest vaccination drive. Also, in the pandemic, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram becomes the primary source of information.

Mr. Poswal is using every means possible to educate and aware people of wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and following corona guidelines along with informing the pros of getting vaccinated through different social media platforms. 

As the Covid-19 pandemic is on the surge, the Rajasthan government administrations are fighting against it and various civil societies are raising funds to aid the hospitals, individuals, and the government in the proper procurement and distribution of medicines, oxygen cylinders, hospital beds, etc. 

Mr. Poswal stated, “These are the tough times and I hope by appealing, we can all show the way to our emotions to turn into actions and fight this pandemic.”

The situation in Rajasthan is expected to be stabilized in the upcoming weeks, however, we need to follow Covid-19 guidelines issued by the government and step on adequate measures to cope with Covid-19.



Activist Sitaram Poswal, Founder of PG Foundation, Has Offered Rs 11 Lakhs to the Government To Cope-Up With the Shortage of Oxygen Tanks in Rajasthan

In the wake of a critical shortage of oxygen tanks in Rajasthan during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, activist Sitaram Poswal, the visionary founder of PG Foundation, has extended a heartfelt lifeline to the state’s healthcare system. With a generous and compassionate spirit, he has offered a substantial donation of Rs 11 lakhs to the government, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to the well-being of the people.

This substantial contribution by Mr. Poswal comes at a pivotal moment when the availability of oxygen is of utmost importance in saving lives. His selfless act serves as a shining example of how one individual’s dedication can make a significant impact on public health and safety.

The PG Foundation, under the leadership of Sitaram Poswal, has always been at the forefront of humanitarian efforts, and this donation reaffirms their commitment to alleviating the suffering of those affected by the pandemic. It exemplifies their values of empathy, community service, and a resolute focus on creating a better and healthier society.

Sitaram Poswal’s Rs 11 lakh contribution to tackle the oxygen shortage crisis in Rajasthan not only underscores the critical role of philanthropy in times of crisis but also serves as an inspiration for others to come forward and support their communities. It is a testament to the power of unity and compassion in overcoming adversity, ensuring that no one is left behind during these challenging times.


"A Heroic Response to the Pandemic: Mr. Sitaram Poswal's Compassion in Action"

In the face of the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, acts of compassion and selflessness became beacons of hope. Among the many individuals who rose to the occasion, Mr. Sitaram Poswal’s remarkable response to the honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call for unity and action shone brightly as an inspiring example of humanitarianism.

As the world grappled with the pandemic’s impact, Mr. Sitaram Poswal, a compassionate soul and a pillar of the community, felt a profound responsibility to contribute to the collective effort to combat the virus. Responding to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call for solidarity, he embarked on a mission to provide essential protection to those most vulnerable—face masks.

With unwavering determination and a heart filled with empathy, Mr. Sitaram Poswal initiated the distribution of 10,000 masks to his fellow citizens. These masks weren’t just pieces of cloth; they were shields of safety, symbols of care, and embodiments of unity in the face of adversity.

The act of distributing masks was not merely an act of charity; it was a testament to Mr. Sitaram Poswal’s commitment to the well-being of his community and nation. It was a display of leadership and an expression of his deep-rooted values of compassion, responsibility, and civic duty.

Mr. Sitaram Poswal’s response serves as a powerful reminder that even in the darkest of times, the human spirit has the capacity to shine brightly. It reflects the essence of Poswal Foundation’s mission—to make a positive impact on lives, uplift communities, and exemplify the values of empathy and selflessness.

In the story of Mr. Sitaram Poswal’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we find inspiration and a call to action. It is a testament to the power of one individual’s compassion to create ripples of positive change that reach far beyond the immediate moment.

His actions remind us that during times of crisis, it is the unity of purpose, the strength of compassion, and the commitment to serve that illuminate the path forward. This story, etched in the annals of Poswal Foundation’s history, continues to inspire us all to stand together and respond to challenges with unwavering kindness and resilience.



"A Lifeline in Crisis: Mr. Sitaram Poswal's Unwavering Support for Disaster-Affected Families"

In the realm of humanitarianism, there are stories of unwavering commitment that resonate as beacons of hope, and Mr. Sitaram Poswal’s compassionate response to disaster-affected families is one such remarkable tale. His continuous financial support to those grappling with the aftermath of calamities has become a defining success story within Poswal Foundation’s legacy.

Amidst the chaos and devastation that disasters bring, Mr. Poswal’s unyielding dedication provided a lifeline to families in need. His financial support wasn’t just aid; it was a symbol of empathy, solidarity, and a shared responsibility to rebuild shattered lives.

Over time, his consistent support became a source of resilience and recovery for countless families. It embodied the core values of Poswal Foundation—values of compassion, service, and unwavering support in times of adversity.

Mr. Sitaram Poswal’s humanitarian efforts serve as a powerful reminder that even in the darkest of hours, one individual’s actions can ignite a ray of hope. His compassion illuminates the path of solidarity and urges us all to embrace our collective duty to assist those affected by disasters.

In Mr. Poswal’s dedication, we find not only inspiration but also a call to action. It underscores the significance of standing together in times of crisis and the transformative power of collective goodwill in helping communities rebuild and regain their strength.